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View Full Version : PCSP v0.4.0 released! - PSP Emulator for Windows

November 28th, 2010, 22:04
Shadow and Hilde have released a new version of the most advanced PSP Emulator for Windows, heres the release news:

And here we are! I new release of pcsp is here and as always new features! . PCSP v0.4.0 supports OSK keyboard , MessageDialogs , complete new Save system that works with many games anddddd partial implementation of sound :)

Here is the complete changelog:

- Fixed a bug in PSF reading.
- Fixed refer ms free size command in sceIoDevctl and implemented a basic Memory Stick manager
- OSK implementation
- sceMsgDialog implementation
- Total rewrite on save system. Now it supports save modes 1,2,3,4,5,8,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,22. List Save and List Load dialogs are working too as well.
- Loader now loads ms0 device in UMD mode
- IoFileMgrForUser getStat now scans for files and dirs as well before return an error
- memstick statfile can now fill scePSPDateTime struct with proper values
- Memory: pcsp was crashing when accessing the end of psp vram

- NREV implementation was missing for OpenGL version w/ shader
- GE - vertex shader : attempted to get a more accurate shade mapping
- Fixed lighting in many games
- sceDisplay/sceAudio: a new vsync thread which allows to limit fps to 60. No more need for the hacky opengl vsync anymore.

- Implemented most of sceAudio functions.
- Implemented partial scelibSasCore. Some games now have sound effects some others get bad sound
- Implemented sound output using portaudio API.

You can d/l pcsp from our download section or from the following link:
http://www.filesonic.com/file/36569781/pcsp v0.4.0.zip

http://www.filesonic.com/file/36529005/pcsp v0.4.0+udb.rar

Remember to post your screenshots on pcsp forum at :


The PCSP team
