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View Full Version : This New Cydia is FAST and Awesome

November 30th, 2010, 00:21
So you've probably heard there is a new version of Cydia, which is included in the recent tethered jailbreak redsn0w release. We've been testing it and chatting with chpwn and saurik about the differences in it, and thought we'd get a solid list of changes published.

chpwn did a lot of work on many visual tweaks, and as saurik put it "some of my long term performance plans are 'hitting pay dirt', and Cydia is much faster than it was before; that said, it isn't done yet: there's one more thing that I think is going to make a huge difference that isn't even in there yet but should be for the final release." And that's the biggest improvement as far as many are concerned - it's just way faster. Loading the Changes tab in my iPhone 4 is now nearly as quick as the AppStore.

Here's a list of just some of the improvements:

reduced loading changes time
section remapping optimizations
faster reloading data
faster, native search
uses public SDK classes whenever possible
rewritten, faster web views with zooming support
changes badge works again
more stable webviews (no crashes when queueing)
redesigned settings page
redesigned stashing page
faster scrolling of table views
bug fixes
ads no longer break the package views until restart
much better queueing UI
stabler refreshing bar
iPad improvements:
- landscape
- popovesr
- modal views that cover only a portion of the screen
- less annoying errors with bad internet connections downloading packages
- updated section mappings, less typo'd sections

This version of Cydia is included in the recent redsn0w release, but if you're on an iPhone 4 or other already jailbroken device, you can actually install it straight from your iDevice. The absolute easiest way to do so is make sure you have iFile and Safari Download Manager installed, then visit http://apt.saurik.com/cydia/debs/cyd...honeos-arm.deb from your device. Remember where you download it to, and navigate there with iFile afterwards. Tap the deb it and choose install - done!

Cydia is growing up so fast.
