View Full Version : LTE Game Engine 2.0

September 6th, 2006, 22:39
Heres all the info

LTE Game Engine 2 is the new graphic engine release by LTE Studios, it comes with a big speed improvement against LTE 3D Engine and now it has got most popular features of commercial engines.

The new Website brings you this new version of the LTE Game Engine (which old name was LTE 3D Engine), this new version has many new features and general speed improvements, read the changelog in the game engine area for further information

- Changed name from LTE 3D Engine to LTE Game Engine

- Added support for Mipmapped textures. Mipmapping gives an high speed improvement.
By default all textures are mipmapped, you can disable this feature with
driver->setTextureCreationFlag(video::ETCF_CREATE_MIP_MAPS , false);

- Clipping comes necessary when your meshes has big triangles, but for model and object
meshes (like the character) this is not necessary. By default now clipping is not
enabled by default: if you need the engine to clip your mesh type
node->setMaterialFlag(video::EMF_CLIPPING, true);

- Mesh triangle subdivision: Now it's possible to subidive the triangles of your meshes
wich sides are greater than a value. You can do this using the Mesh Manipulator:
SceneManager->getMeshManipulator()->subdivideTriangles(YourMesh, MaxSideSize)

- Added support for rendering into textures. This feature is very common, and the
engine now can do it. Look at the RenderToTexture example for further information.

- Multitexturing is now supported. This feature is limited because it doesn't support
multi texture coordinates, and it takes one more rendering pass (PSP GPU doesn't support
one-pass multi texturing). Look at the SpecialFX example for further information.

- Added Sphere mapping: this effect is now supported. To enable sphere mapping for your
scene node type node->setMaterialType(video::EMT_SPHERE_MAP).

- Added B3D Mesh support with full bone animator.

- Added celshading effect for your IAnimatedMeshSceneNode. To enable this feature for your
scene node simply do: node->addCelshadingSceneNode(). Look at the documentation for
further information.

- Added support for Dynamic Shadows. Look at the Dynamic Shadow example for further

- Added ATRAC3 Audio support. Note that you can set position, get position, get duration,
only for mp3 audio files.

- Now the File Browser sort the list pushing the folder on the top of the list.

- The speed of the mouse cursor is proportional to the current frame rate, this allows
to use the cursor also at lower framerate.

- General speed improvement

- A Lot of Bug fixes

- Changed the intro logo screen and music effect

More Information (http://www.ltestudios.com/ge_area.php)

September 7th, 2006, 01:09
what is required to run this program?

September 8th, 2006, 06:47
If somebody wants to make a game with this, *PLEASE* let me know! I can provide you with all of the 3D models you want! Private IM me for details.