View Full Version : Redspotgames announces a new game! - Sturmwindis for Dreamcast

December 5th, 2010, 20:46
News via http://www.dreamcast.es/news.php?readmore=406#comments

Those who were following the news, remember that every Sunday Redspotgames announced that this month was to publicize a new game. Well, of course today (Sunday December 5, 2010) through a television program called Neues broadcast by the channel 3sat (apparently cooperation between Germany, Switzerland and Austria).
The show starts at 4:25 (CET), which means that as I write this, ALREADY STARTED!

Link to news

The game is called Sturmwindis for Dreamcast (iiiiiisaaaaaaa) and looks nice. It is a shooter with the following characteristics:

- 16 Levels
- 3 selectable difficulty levels
- Configurable Controls
- Adjustable screen position
- Different weapons selectable
- More than 20 giant enemies
- Hundreds of different enemies
- Introduction FMV sequence
- 2D/3D hybrid game engine
- Resolution: 640x480
- PAL50, PAL60, NTSC and VGA (with adapter)
- Region-free (universal)
- Works with any Dreamcast compatible with MIL-CD
- Sound CDDA
- Supports: Joypad, Arcade Stick (Analog / Digital), VMU, Rumble Pack (configurable)
- Hiscore tables with WebCoder to internet
- System of unlockable content awards


December 7th, 2010, 00:00
2 nice photos from Stormwind game.The game looks great and the photos looks really have a serious homebrew game in next months. ^^

December 7th, 2010, 03:53
Thanks for the screenshots!

December 8th, 2010, 02:13
Why so much shooters?
Almost every game that came out to dreamcast in the last years were shooters, why not RPGs? or maybe platformers or adventures or strategies, i just don't get it.

December 9th, 2010, 20:36
wow they do look good for a 10+ console

December 10th, 2010, 12:11
Haha of corse Dreamcast was ahead of its time..And i dont get it Dreamcast fans..Why we have to complain cause its a shooter.Its a game and if you have fun with it go buy.

This game....i think that it will bring to LIFE OUR DREAMCASTS AGAIN :) :) haha
thank you Redspot games