View Full Version : Snapstick shows off iPhone-controlled internet TV prototype

December 9th, 2010, 22:54
It's still not an actual product just yet, but upstart Snaptick has given CNET an early look at its eponymously-named internet TV system, which it says will challenge the likes of Google TV and Apple TV. The company's hook is that it simply delivers the "full web" to your TV, which can be controlled using either your phone or a laptop. In the case of the company's iPhone app, you can actually flick content from your iPhone to the TV, and even have multiple people control the same TV with their respective iPhones. Things get a bit more complicated when it comes to the actual device, though. It seems the company still isn't sure what form it will take -- it could be a separate set-top box like the prototype above, or it could be built-in into a Blu-ray player or TV. Given that state of things, it shouldn't come as much surprise that there's no indication of a price or release date, but the company is now accepting applications for a private beta, and you can get an idea of what might be in store in the video after the break.
