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View Full Version : NGamer Wii/DS information!

September 7th, 2006, 20:09
DrDark posted a load of Wii and DS News he found in the latest issue of NGamer:

Confirmation on Spore: “Release: Spring 2007″
Plus: “EA have confirmed that link-up play with the DS is on the cards, so you can deform your species on the fly.”
“Everything you need to know for the impending launch of the mighty Wii”.
Under the section on ‘DS Connectivity’, they say “EA’s spore is one upcoming title that will allow you to transfer data from little console to big in a flash.”
Sensor bar is “50% smaller”, “little bigger than a couple of pencils glued together.”
Wii-mote’s 6kb of internal memory “personalises your remote - potentially storing things like sensitivity, y-axis settings for FPSs, and even scores and saves.”
Wii-mote runs on two AA batteries, offering around 60 hours of gameplay. That amount’s reduced to half (around 30 hours) if using the sensor bar though.
[Talking about SD cards] “these tiny cards can be used to store game saves and virtual console games, but Digital Right Management features mean you can’t play your games on someone else’s Wii.”

Via Go Nintendo (http://gonintendo.com/?p=5388)

September 8th, 2006, 01:41
i hate DRM

September 8th, 2006, 07:56
[Talking about SD cards] “these tiny cards can be used to store game saves and virtual console games, but Digital Right Management features mean you can’t play your games on someone else’s Wii.”

So... I can take that several ways... I can't play my downloaded WiiConnect24 games on someone elses console. That would make sense as the companies will want to snip the virtual piracy in the butt as much as possible.

And then... DRM to the extreme where you just disable transfer of contents from mem cards between systems. I certainly hope it isn't this last one as that would be very heavy handed, but I guess we won't really know until it comes out.