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View Full Version : Issued for Everybody's exploits and HBL Sukkiri

December 20th, 2010, 21:57
News via http://www.psp-ita.com/?module=news&id=45357&view_reply=1

Besides the well-known exploits found on the demo Patapon2 and playing Everybody's Golf 1 and 2, which allowed to reopen its doors to the world of homebrew for those who are in conditions is not possible to change your PSP, it adds another discovered for some time but until now hidden in the Japanese demo of Everybody's Sukkiri . The coder mamosuke, j416, JJS, and m0skit0 wololo had decided to keep it in Serbian for the days of lean, but the coder Jeerum, in a far from correct timing, has decided to release the news. Currently you can also start the HBL specially designed to exploit this new, but have not yet been carried out exhaustive tests on fw 6.35.
Total_noob can then choose whether to release the version of 6.20HEN 6:35 for using the exploit VSH announced by him, or bring all the work on HBL, reserving as a trump card.
The operation of the exploit is similar to what has been seen so far, just load the hacked save, and select Continue

December 21st, 2010, 19:15
by any chance, will this work on my psp go??