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View Full Version : Priiloader 0.6

December 27th, 2010, 10:20
Priiloader 0.6 released by DacoTaco

Priiloader is a modded version of Preloader. Just like preloader, Priiloader places itself in boot sequence before the system menu. By this priiloader has the ability to:

Patch memory just like StartPatch or Preloader. hacks_hash.ini should be on the sd root(only once, they get copied to NAND) and can be found here.
Save wii from banner & other kind of bricks that aren't ios/boot2/nand corruption related
Start something else than system menu on power up (a dol file, bootmii, homebrew channel)

0.6 : God is here (24 Dec 2010)
Fixed Title Booting on some Wiis (issue 130)
Fixed the installer for HBC
Fixed the SHA1 hash production while updating
Fixed Online updating changelog
added/fixed Easter Egg (go find it!)
Added play_rec creation when launching title
made load/install binary load fat:/apps/ folder
Increased USB Support(thanks TT)
Changed the Hacks method (see SVN or hacks page)
change memory management to use mem2 instead giving priiloader a big speedboost
