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View Full Version : Sony vs. The World

September 8th, 2006, 15:40
The internet. Not a place to be if you happen to be in any way affiliated with Sony Computer Entertainment right now, as both Microsoft and that supposedly nice fella Nintendo are taking sneaky pot-shots. And if the men-in-suits are publicly mocking Sony, you can guarantee that the rabid internet geeks are doing the same.

ThisIsWaiting.com is at the vanguard of this Sony-baiting, taking Sony's 'This is Living' campaign and photoshopping it within an inch of its life. From the mass punning of "Wii wish you a merry X-mas" to an apt parody of Sarah Jessica Parker boredom-flick 'Failure to Launch', the claws are firmly in Sony's back at the moment.

September 8th, 2006, 15:44
when i first saw the title, i was thinking more of Sony VS Homebrew ^^

those guys sure know when to hit a man (or company for that matter) when he's down...lol

September 8th, 2006, 15:46
Some people really have nothing better to do.. one thing for sure though, all this hype about launch figures and not enough units will make the PS3 hot property come November. I shudder to think what will happen on ebay.

March is fine for me, gives me time to save up and enjoy Gears Of War in the mean time.