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View Full Version : Chrome closes out the year with ten percent browser share, gains at expense of IE

January 4th, 2011, 23:48
It may not exactly look like a huge shift in the chart above, but 2010 did represent something of a milestone year for Google's Chrome web browser. It started out 2010 with a market share of just over five percent, and managed to double that over the course of the year to close things out at a nice, even ten percent, according to stats from Net Applications. Those gains, as you might expect, came largely at the expense of Internet Explorer, which is continuing its slow, slow decline, but still hangs onto a commanding 57 percent market share. As for the rest of the major players, both Firefox and Opera slipped ever so slightly over the course of the year, while Apple's Safari gained just over one percent to end the year at 5.9 percent.
