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View Full Version : Why an iPad 2 Retina Display Makes No Sense... Yet

January 21st, 2011, 00:35
Taiwan newspaper DigiTimes is reporting today that Apple will be including a Retina Display on the next iPad that will be twice the resolution of the current display. And yes, before anyone else says it: the fact that it's in DigiTimes is almost enough alone to conclude that this report is bunk. There are, however, other valid reasons to discount the rumor.

#1 RAM. Doubling the current iPad's resolution means going from 1024 x 768 pixels all the way up to 2048 x 1536, and as John Gruber notes over at Daring Fireball, that's almost as many pixels as the 27" iMac at 2560 x 1440 resolution. The iMac comes with 512 MB of RAM on its graphics card, though, and the iPad has only 256 MB total, which must be shared by the CPU and the GPU. It takes a lot of memory to power that many pixels,..
