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View Full Version : MENUdo v0.1

January 21st, 2011, 22:46
News via http://www.nintendomax.com/viewtopic.php?t=12859&f=19&sid=61cbf389ef8613dbe74e0cdf223c1047


Soulanges we moved, after three years absence, the version 0.1 of " Menudo ", Os / Menu / Loader replacement for your linker.

This is MENUdo, an ambitious gaming miniOS/menu-replacement/frontend project. Created by soulanger. This release expected to be the first and final release. It was prepacked using my settings. It's prepacked with an outdated AKAIO (when i last touched my ds), 20 themes, and homebrew, feel free to repackage it and upload it anywhere.

It really holds tons of potential and is really dear to me but how i handled this project was a massive disappointment to me. Oh how ironic that my account name suits how i feel about my self whenever i think about this project nowadays.
A project tester was right when he told me about Murphy's Law and MENUdo.
Thanks to me the only team member, who tried to achieve perfection to meet expectations during his worst days of his life (being a penniless college student in a third world country with, no internet, no pc, no ds, and lots of family drama) really destroyed this project. The hate around the community didnt help as well, it was insult added to injury. A person from the community hacked my servers (www.gamenow.asia) that delayed release, and wrecked the wiki, it destroy MENUdo's major features. Online save backup (think realtime dropbox for savefiles), Gamercard, and a lot more are now incompatible with this game. I'm also so sorry to those who donated, but i did tell you guys to wait for me to upload before starting to donate. Still I feel responsible for that.. I will pay you guys back soon if I am to gain money.. I have to say though, the donation helped me so much in the times of my need.

I could go on and on about this, I could apologize as much as I want, but nothing can be fixed especially this guilt and disappointment I have.

Note that there are bugs existing and the archive was packed very unneatly. I had a feeling that I would never be able to release this application if i dont do it now. R4 support is still compatible, although the loaders are not existing in the package and the build is outdated I think.

Note, L button allows you to switch into os mode and multitask.

Finally, I would like to say sorry and as well as thank you to the community and my friends.