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View Full Version : Coming Soon: OpenTyrianHD

January 24th, 2011, 22:19
News via http://www.zuneboards.com/forums/download-openzdk-applications/56425-preview-coming-soon-opentyrianhd.html

From OpenTyrian Gcode site:

OpenTyrian is a port of the DOS shoot-em-up Tyrian. Jason Emery generously gave the OpenTyrian developers a copy of the Tyrian 2.1 source code, which has since been ported from Turbo Pascal to C. The port uses SDL, making it easily cross-platform.

Tyrian is an arcade-style vertical scrolling shooter. The story is set in 20,031 where you play as Trent Hawkins, a skilled fighter-pilot employed to fight Microsol and save the galaxy.

1-22 UPDATE: OK, somehow things are starting to work. The demo now works, as well as the buy/sell menu before entering a level. Also, I now have a bit of a speedup on video with a few minor code corrections.
The problems behind why the demo and level menu weren't working are still there, and that's why in-level won't work. But, I have hope that won't take too much longer. Once that's in place, I'll be able to release an alpha (since none of the platform-specific updates, like utilizing the keyboard, are in place).

1-23 UPDATE: I am happy to announce that in-game is now working! All of the bugs seem to have been worked out, and I can now focus on control schemes.

By the way, I'm officially looking at removing tilt controls, at least in the menus (keeping it in-game still shouldn't be a problem, but it will be an option for either way), and am therefore going to be looking into various button layouts, like what VBZ has, so if anyone is interested in making some layouts for it, I will be able to give some dimensions of the shrunken screen for you to go by sometime later today.

This is only a preview because I don't have the in-game working yet. However, because of the progress that has been made just getting it to this point, getting in-game working doesn't seem like that big of a deal, and shouldn't take too long.