View Full Version : Remote Zune v1.1.2

January 24th, 2011, 22:22
News via http://www.zuneboards.com/forums/download-openzdk-applications/55137-remote-zune-v1-0-a.html

Name: Remote Zune
Version: 1.1.2
Author: Netrix
License: Free to distribute (Remote Zune), GNU LGPL v2.1 (DevIL/ILU)

Remote Zune is an application that allows users to remotely access and control their PC, either through a LAN connection, or through the Internet. It currently supports left-click (and drag), right-click (and drag), double left-click, basic keyboard input, panning, and zooming. The area of the screen that is sent to the Zune is indicated by a red, flashing box.

-Added option to hide red outline window.
-Fixed resetting the zoom with three touches.

How to use:
Run deploykit.exe in the Deploy Kit folder to deploy Remote Zune to your Zune, then unplug your it from your computer. After your Zune reboots, run Remote Zune. You will need to connect to an access point unless it does it automatically.

If it is the first time you are running Remote Zune on your Zune, when your Zune is connected, it will prompt you to choose a character to be Enter. Since there is no Enter key on the Zune's single-line onscreen keyboard, a chosen character will perform the function of the Enter key. The character that you choose will be remembered and you will not be automatically prompted again. The default character is 'ñ'. It can be entered by holding down on the 'n' character, then choosing it.

Run Remote Zune (PC).exe (Remote Zune (PC-XP).exe if you have Windows XP) on your PC, and click "Connect". When you want to access your PC with your Zune over the Internet, choose the Internet radio button before clicking "Connect". After a couple seconds, it should display "Waiting for a Zune to connect." If a Windows Firewall message prompts you to allow or deny network access, choose "Allow access".

On your Zune, choose Local (LAN) if your Zune is connected to the same network as your PC, otherwise choose Internet, then enter the IP address or host name of the network that your PC is on and the port number.

More details are below, if needed.

When choosing the LAN option, it should automatically connect to your PC, as long as the Remote Zune program is running on it (displaying "Waiting for a Zune to connect.") and it is connected to the same network as your Zune. If your Zune is unable to connect to your PC despite the above conditions being satisfied, see "Troubleshooting" below.

To connect over the Internet, you will need to know the external IP address of the network that your PC is connected to, or use a service such as DynDNS to create a subdomain that directs to your network. You can find what your external IP address is by going to www.showip.com. Using a subdomain is better because you would then be able to enter an easy to remember name instead of an IP address, and your IP address would be updated in case it changes. Many routers offer this functionality in their settings.

In addtion, you will need to use a port that is forwarded to your PC. The default port is 50000, which is probably not forwarded already. If you do not know how port forwarding works, learn about it here: PortForward.com - Port Forwarding Guides Listed by Manufacturer and Model

If your Zune can not connect to your PC, turn Windows Firewall off temporarily if it is on (as well as any other firewall programs you may have running), as it might be blocking the connection.

If it still does not work, check your network adapters and see if you have any VMWare, Hamachi, or other similar adapters. Try disabling all of your network adapters except for the one you are using to connect to your router (such as "Wireless Network Connection" or "Local Area Connection").

If you still have issues, explain in a post.

Quick tap: Left-click
Double-tap: Double-click
Double-tap + hold: Left-click and drag
Tap + hold: Right-click
Tap/tap + soft drag: Move mouse
Tap + hard drag: Pan view
Pinch/Stretch: Zoom
Three touches: Set zoom to 100%
Keyboard button: Show keyboard.

The difference between a "soft" and "hard" drag is that the soft is done with the tip of the finger, and the hard is done with the flat part of the finger (though not too much of it, otherwise it will jump around randomly).

For right-clicking, you tap and hold, however it will not automatically release, which means that the right mouse button will be held until you lift your finger up. This allows right-click + drag.

While zooming when a part of the view window is outside of the edge of the display, the view will not stretch exactly the way it should. It does not affect the actual zooming. To fix the issue, simply zoom well within the dimensions of the display. Also, if you pan the view past a certain amount outside the edge of the display, it will wrap around to the opposite edge of the screen. This is intentional.

Yet to come:
Password authentication
More keyboard functionality
Multi-touch support
Multiple monitor support