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View Full Version : EA: 'Very exciting' unannounced FPS this year

February 2nd, 2011, 11:41
EA CEO John Riccitiello said during the company's third quarter conference call last night that the publisher has a "very exciting" unannounced first person shooter in the works.

"... The intention for us at least is to have strong FPS entries each year," Riccitiello said, according to Seeking Alpha. "For quite a long time now, I've been saying that it's our long-term goal to take back the first-person shooter category leadership.

"We made strong progress in calendar '10 over calendar '09," he added. "This year, with the trail end of Battlefield Bad Company 2 still doing well, Medal of Honor doing well, Crysis and Bulletstorm, we're clearly going to make more progress on our goal, and that's before we get to what I think is going to be a very exciting entry later in the year that we're not yet announcing."

One FPS we're very excited about is the new IP former Infinity Ward heads Jason West and Vince Zampella are making for EA at their new studio Respawn. That game surely won't be released this year, but a reveal's certainly not out of the question.
