View Full Version : Announcing the PSP Genesis competition 2011

February 3rd, 2011, 02:58
News via http://wololo.net/wagic/2011/02/02/announcing-the-psp-genesis-competition-2011/

Sony stopped distributing development hardware for the PSP1 at the end of 2010, and announced the NGP (http://wololo.net/wagic/2011/01/27/sonys-conference-live-sortof/) a few days ago.
But the PSP’s not dead.
Since its release in 2004, more than 60 millions of PSPs have been sold, and hundreds of thousands of players around the world enjoy homebrews on a daily basis. The scene has never been so alive, with HBL (http://wololo.net/wagic/hbl) in 2010, and now the HEN for 6.20 and 6.35 (http://wololo.net/wagic/hen/), or the recent possibility to run our homebrews on all PSPs (http://wololo.net/wagic/2011/01/18/release-wagic-for-ofw-yes-signed-homebrews-are-a-reality-on-the-psp/) without hacking them.
So before we kiss the PSP1 goodbye, and start moving on to the next generation, we want to go with a bang. The PSP underground is more alive than ever, and respected scener npt is proving it by organizing the biggest PSP homebrew competition ever, the PSP Genesis Competition. By “biggest” I mean that the prizes are going to be massive. I can’t reveal much for now, but I’m glad to announce that not only will I be a judge in this contest, wololo.net (http://wololo.net/) will be a sponsor and add a bonus prize of 100$ that will go to my favorite entry. Just know that this 100$ prize will only be a tiny fraction of the total prizes in this competition.
We are currently finalizing the rules and prizes, as well as looking for additional sponsors who might want to add their own contribution to this contest, but I’ll have more information in a few weeks.
If you are a homebrew programmer and are thinking of starting on a new project, or finalizing some work in progress, now’s the good time to go full steam. We’ll give programmers enough time to submit something good, but I suggest you start now. Full information, including submissions rules, will be announced in a few weeks.
Thought the PSP scene was dead? We will prove that 2011 is the year the PSP scene was reborn. Get ready to submit your best homebrews for the PSP Genesis Compo!