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View Full Version : Apple Patents the 'iStylus'

February 5th, 2011, 17:26
News via http://modmyi.com/forums/iphone-news/748241-apple-patents-istylus.html

Put it in the "maybe someday, maybe never" file. A patent originally filed for by Apple in 2008 shows the company's work on a unique stylus for touchscreen devices (http://www.cultofmac.com/new-apple-patent-describes-sophisticated-stylus-for-ios-devices/80225?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_ca mpaign=Feed%3A+cultofmac%2FbFow+%28Cult+of+Mac%29) . Although Steve Jobs has been famously dismissive of styluses, this one is pretty different: equipped with a pivoting disk on the tip, pressure sensors, and even an accelerometer, it could enable new applications in digital art and gaming.

Steve Jobs has shown down through the years that he's not afraid of totally contradicting his previous statements. Back in 2004 (http://www.nytimes.com/2004/01/08/technology/circuits/08POGUE-EMAIL.html), he said Apple would never build a handheld video player, just a year before the fifth generation iPod was released... [Read More (http://modmyi.com/forums/iphone-news/748241-apple-patents-istylus.html)]