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View Full Version : Move 'the most accurate' motion tech for Virtua Tennis 4

February 8th, 2011, 18:41
PlayStation Move is probably the most accurate motion controller when it comes to playing Virtua Tennis 4, but the others aren't without their benefits.

In an interview with CVG, Mie Kumagai - the creator of the tennis series - outlined the benefits of Move, Kinect and Wii.

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"In terms of the three motion play devices, if you take the Move it works with the controller in your hand and the eye, so it detects very accurately every single movement you make with the controller and also it detects where you are in the space very well with the camera," she explained.

"So it makes the motion play on the Move probably the most accurate motion play out of all the three."

Kumagai added: "But if you take Kinect it offers our users much more freedom without being restricted to holding anything in their hand."

"Also, Kinect is a very good device for tracing every part of your body so users are encouraged to improve their tennis playing form using their entire body not just swinging their arms around.

"In terms of the Wii it's going to be very similar to the Move in terms of having the controller in your hand but I feel the Wii is a very accessible platform and you don't have to have the Motion Plus attached.

"So hopefully it'll be able to reach a wider number of people out there. It's very easy to pick up and play."

Have a look at the Virtua Tennis 4 trailer (http://www.computerandvideogames.com/284697/news/virtua-tennis-4-players-trailer/) that was released last month and features the "strongest ever" roster for the series.
