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View Full Version : Grand Theftendo (Nes Game)

January 1st, 1970, 01:00
This will come as an awesome item of news for fans of Grand Theft Auto and for fans of the Nes, Brian Provinciano (http://www.grandtheftendo.com/), has ported Grand Theft Auto 3 over to the Nes console, heres the rather stunning news from his Site (http://www.grandtheftendo.com/) [br][br] Grand Theftendo is a port of Grand Theft Auto III for the original Nintendo Entertainment System (NES). It is Grand Theft Auto III running on an 8 bit, 256x240 resolution, 2 bit colour x 2 bit palette, 1.79 Mhz system, written entirely in 6502 Assembly Language! It includes the entire Portland city!

[Modified 10/28/04 14:18:20 by DCEmu_Newsposter]

October 28th, 2004, 17:14
I'm not a big fan of the popularity of GTA 3, but this sounds very cool.

October 28th, 2004, 18:43
Yeah i just looked at the screens is there a download yet cause it looks pretty interesting

October 28th, 2004, 21:12
I suppose this will have to be hidden from the kids too violent.

far too violent for Eric, dont tell him where the download button is OK!!

plays pretty well cool

tinku ;)

October 28th, 2004, 23:17
thats is the coolest thing since Doom was ported to the intellivision - http://spatula-city.org/~im14u2c/intv/doom/

October 28th, 2004, 23:54
Heh, it looks pretty neat, if I do say so myself. And I do. ph34r teh spr1t3z0r!!!!!111

GPF: thanks a lot for that link. I honestly got queasy looking at those colors. :o

October 29th, 2004, 00:39
Haha, Doom no the Intelli??? Great.

I can't wait for this GTA to be released... it looks great.

October 29th, 2004, 04:43
Wow, that Doom on the Intellivision is the bee's knees :D

October 29th, 2004, 06:27
I suppose this will have to be hidden from the kids too violent.

far too violent for Eric, dont tell him where the download button is OK!!

plays pretty well cool

tinku ;)

Funny you say that cause your the one acting like a kid anyways is there a download for it?

October 29th, 2004, 06:31
hey i could use NesterDC to play it on the DC! GTA 3 finally make on to the DC!

Take that SONY :D

It will be available for download for free when it is done

October 29th, 2004, 06:34
alright thanks i am afraid i didnt see that

Cap'n 1time
October 30th, 2004, 08:57
ya gotta love this guys development system "devtendo"

October 30th, 2004, 11:31
Eric: ROFL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

tinku ;D ;D ;D

Cap'n 1time
October 30th, 2004, 12:03
Eric: ROFL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

tinku ;D ;D ;D

I have been watching you for a while and you dont seem to be sticking to the topics very well. If you dont like someone mabey you should PM them about it. You havnt had much of a life at this forum and I dont think you have the right to act like a smart ass around older users to boost your self up. Please just stop. It dosnt make you look very good and it really just pisses me off.

Please dont let my previouse topics interupt the topic at hand. This was a personal message for tinku. thanks.

October 30th, 2004, 18:45
I am not to worried about Tinku as yeah he is a newbie and he really doesnt know what he is doing here. So when comes in he feels the need to egg me on in battle. It started up in the dcastaway cause i couldnt get it to work. Guess what i still cant cause i dont have the proper tools to set it up. I have set it up right dont compare me to a kid either as i have been here for awhile i do know a fair bunch about the DCscene. If you have kids you should learn how to be mature and teach your kids not to be an @$$.


October 30th, 2004, 19:12
tinku = hola?

November 4th, 2004, 12:45
btw that doom on intellivision thing is an april fool :)

January 9th, 2005, 13:52
im still a newbie and im only 14 but i agree with ERIC that being really imature twoards your forum elders is really not cool. Being 14 people are just starting to yell at me for how i conduct myself and while expected thts not cool either. Thats seems off the point but it is. People judge you by how you act, if you act really imature, people think you are immature. If you act mature, people think you are more of an adult than some stupid teen

January 9th, 2005, 14:10
if you try to do something good and make yourself look like an idiot people think you are an idiot and i think i have done that enough times to know that now most people actually think of me that way