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View Full Version : Wagic The Gathering DS - Alpha

February 17th, 2011, 01:08
News via nmax

Virman Propose the première version of " The Gathering Wagic DS ", :

I advance is scheduled to NightFox libraries, so you are preparing your flashcards to run the hb_menu, jejejeje, that it is not gonna let you run it. Good in DSTWO runs smoothly without using the hb_menu.

Ah! For those who do not be DS and the PC you please try to tell you, only good and fluid rula with the emulator Desum, in no $ gba or will or will not jump, so I recommend you should do with the emulator Desum and the latest libraries libnds to prove it.

Link to download the alpha edition: http://cid-c59e6cef7c6628bf.office.live ... agicDS.nds (http://cid-c59e6cef7c6628bf.office.live.com/self.aspx/Proyecto%20NDS/WagicDS.nds)

In this version you can access only the creation of the deck. Not finished this part missing icons tweak all the cards (so far I've only completed the blue and white letters), the save and load the deck time to time. But I hang it so you can see the cards and tell me that this runs on your console and you go looking ...

Are about 40 megs but I think it is worth seeing that the project is ongoing, no? Hehehehe.

Thank you all for your support, if a programmer wants to help me out, you know!

