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View Full Version : questions about fenix

February 17th, 2011, 04:17
lets be honest here. 2 years of adobe flash has completely scrambled my brain when i see somehting like this. the flamebird 2 IDE with fenix to be more specific. I sorta got this platform engine going. its a little way away from being finished and i could really use some help. I have not been able to find a single tutorial anywhere that has what I need. Im not someone who starts off with pong then goes to mario brothers. I just can't learn that way. If you need to know what I want, then here:
*how do I flip a sprite (or graph as its called in my code)? This also applies to changing a sprite/graph while doing something (i.e. jumping, animated walking, etc)

*how could i apply some gravity to my character (this includes jumping, falling, and free falling)?

*how can I (best as I can explain)... make a mask of the level (that the player will collide with) and have the actual level image over it (im sure this can be done easier, but this is what I do in flash). note: the levels arent going to be that complex, theres no scrolling and the resolution is at a nice 320x240x8, which leads me to my next question.

*is it possible for me to create this "invisible barrier" at the end of the screen that when my player touches it, hell go to the next part of the level?

for now this is all i need. dont want to overload people and think i want a game made for me. just need headed in the right direction. thanks

March 7th, 2011, 20:53
Check out http://www.booleansoup.com and hit their message boards. There's a Fenix board, and they're VERY helpful with such questions.

You can also grab the source code for my game, Primitive Nightmare, at http://www.fusekigames.com. There are blocks of code that deal with explosion animations that might be able to help you (look for the expl() and pl_expl() processes).

March 7th, 2011, 20:53
Check out http://www.booleansoup.com and hit their message boards. There's a Fenix board, and they're VERY helpful with such questions.

You can also grab the source code for my game, Primitive Nightmare, at http://www.fusekigames.com. There are blocks of code that deal with explosion animations that might be able to help you (look for the expl() and pl_expl() processes).

EDIT: I see you've already been to Boolean Soup...