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View Full Version : Modern Warfare 3: Return of Ghost rumour strengthened by OPM

February 18th, 2011, 22:13
The UK Official PlayStation Magazine has lent credence to speculation that Modern Warfare 3 will be a prequel starring fan favourite character Ghost.

The mag's informants strengthen a rumour which first reared itshead online early in January. (http://www.computerandvideogames.com/282174/news/rumour-modern-warfare-3-is-a-prequel/)

http://cdn.medialib.computerandvideogames.com/screens/screenshot_243673_thumb300.jpg (javascript:screens_popup(243673);)

On the Rumour Machine page in its latest issue (055), OPM points to ""insider whispers" which suggest: "Infinity Ward's next Modern Warfare title will be a prequel, with Ghost in the lead role."

Other wicked whispers featured on the page include the suggestion that "Dead Space 3 is already in production" and that PS2 games will soon be available to download on PSP.

Last month, OPM predicted that Konami was hard at work on an HD Metal Gear Solid trilogy for PS3. (http://www.computerandvideogames.com/284819/news/metal-gear-solid-hd-trilogy-coming-to-ps3/) All eyes turn to E3 for that one...
