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View Full Version : US Navy Breaks Laser Record

February 19th, 2011, 22:42
shit this sounds scary from slashdot:

"The US Navy has broken the existing record for the power of a laser. Their new free-electron laser can burn through 20 feet of steel per second (http://www.foxnews.com/scitech/2011/02/18/navy-breaks-world-record-futuristic-laser-getting-real/?intcmp=prn_baynote-js_Navy_Breaks_World_Record_With_Futuristic_Free-Electron_Laser). 'Next up for the tech: additional weaponization. The Navy just awarded Boeing a contract worth up to $163 million to take that technology and package it as a 100 kW weapons system, one that the Navy hopes to use not only to destroy things but for on-ship communications, tracking and detection, too — using a fraction of the energy such applications use now, plus with more accuracy.' Now all we need to do is upgrade the sharks..."