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View Full Version : libBAG r4

February 22nd, 2011, 01:17
News via http://www.nintendomax.com/viewtopic.php?t=12996&f=19&sid=2ddf2bab9f4754ea48d7aca2a1860dcc

ibBAG is a library for the Supercard DS Two with the use of the Supercard sdk that contains functions to make development easier and faster. This library includes graphic routines such as bitmap, png and jpg loading, an audio system for easy playback of wav, raw or ogg audio, easy input detection, various text functions, and some debug functions.

libBAG R4
-corrected a typo in BAG_OGG_UpdateOgg function
-added BAG_BmpTxt_GetCharHt and BAG_BmpTxt_GetStrHtPix functions
-added full transparency support for png loading and added frame width and frame height args to the function
-fixed bitmap loading functions to use the arguement order of the other format functions for consistancy. Now takes filename first before the object handle
-Bmp font system now supports alpha masks
-png font supported in bmp font system
-added BAG_Core_InitEx (BAG_InitEx) for customizing more options in the initialization of libBAG
-added BAG_Display_LoadBmpChunk - can load specified pixel areas of an image into a buffer rather than the whole image
-fixed some possible memory leaks in BAG_Display_LoadPng
-added the ability to check for stylus double clicks with Stylus.DblClick