View Full Version : Sony's War On Makers, Hackers, and Innovators

February 25th, 2011, 23:20
"MAKE Magazine takes a look at Sony's history of suing makers, hackers and innovators (http://blog.makezine.com/archive/2011/02/sonys-war-on-makers-hackers-and-innovators.html). Over the last decade Sony has been targeting legitimate innovation, hobbyists, and competition. From picking on people who want to program their robot dogs to dance to suing people who want to run their own software on something they bought. Sony has made so many mistakes with technology choices (Memory Stick, Magic Gate, UMD!), perhaps they'll end themselves soon enough, but until then MAKE is keeping score for Sony's all-out war on tinkerers."http://hardware.slashdot.org/story/11/02/25/0050257/Sonys-War-On-Makers-Hackers-and-Innovators

February 26th, 2011, 01:08
They destroying their own reputation, admitted they not interested in being competetive on features against MS and just looking to squeeze as much money as possible from us now. Am i the only one that sees the Playstation brand collapsing around the release of Ps4? I can just feel Apple gearing up their console for around then and Playstation will be instantly obliterated if they do.