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View Full Version : Non-English AP2.5 and Rumor Kill: Slim FW not Exclusive or Hold Back

February 26th, 2011, 23:03
From team-xecuter.com (http://team-xecuter.com/non-english-ap2-5-titles-finally-available-rumor-kill/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=non-english-ap2-5-titles-finally-available-rumor-kill):

After a long wait we have finally been able to create AP2.5 patches for Non-English titles – in this case we have started with Italian.
Our first test is COD: Black Ops so if you can report back to the #fw channel to confirm its success then we will continue with the rest of the titles.
It was also made sure that ABGX had the correct SSV2 information, and as soon as the patches are confirmed then the AP2.5 data will be uploaded to the database also – this will be done with each and every Non-English title.
More details on team-xecuter.com (http://team-xecuter.com/non-english-ap2-5-titles-finally-available-rumor-kill/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=non-english-ap2-5-titles-finally-available-rumor-kill).

We understand it has taken a long time to start getting Non-English title patches ready, but it’s a very complex process that is insanely time consuming and not to mention, quite expensive.

We also had to evolve to a different AP2.5 challenge capture process which also delayed things by several weeks, but thanks to C4E we have figured out all of the problems and are back on track again.

Please be patient with the time scale of these releases. Some may have thought that we had forgotten about our European friends and that there may have been animosity towards the English side of the scene as they took preference (and in turn some animosity toward Xecuter which we hope to correct today). This couldn’t be further from the truth, in fact there are several members of our team who are Non-English. We have Italian, German, French, Spanish….even Scottish comes to mind

Of course many of you may wonder why there is no public method so you can simply do this yourself. Well, for starters the method is not simple, it involves many processes it isn’t just a case of popping in a disc and ripping – those days are long gone I’m afraid. We have had many discussions with C4E about this and the fact is, if this method was public it would be blocked permanently and that would be the end of AP25 patches for everyone – possibly forever. So as inconvenient as this is, it’s the only way to keep the process safe. If there is ever a method that can be released to the public which does not compromise the process then OF COURSE it will be released. Trust me when we say that we are busy in many areas of our work and daily that takes much higher priorities than having to chase down a dozen different languages of game from around the world and have people flaming and bitching at you all the time thinking that you are holding something back on purpose.

Another point we would like to address while we have your attention, is that there are still persistent, and silly rumors that C4E is holding back the release of the Slim FW so that our X360USB PRO can be released first. We have responded to this MANY times on the forums but let us make one thing very clear and on the record. C4E is NOT holding back the release of the Slim FW for Xecuter or for anyone. It is a very, very difficult and time consuming hack and he has been working on it solid for the last 6 months. The guy has a job, he has a life, just let him do his thing. It IS and WILL be released, but even we don’t know when, and we are on the same team.

Another dumb rumor is that the Slim FW is being locked and made exclusive to the X360USB PRO. We have even seen so-called smart people suggest this. Well if our 10 year track record in the Xbox scene has shown anything – it’s that we have ALWAYS given masses to the scene with regards to Bios’ and Hacks and various methods for free and without any exclusivity. Yes we design products that are hardware add-ons and that is a business and yes there are those that don’t like that and that’s fine. However, we’ve been at the core of the Xbox scene since day #1 and we didn’t change our principles back then and we’re not going to change them now. Don’t listen to silly rumors, or bullshit flaming or lies spread by childish fanboys. There is no deal to lock ANYTHING to the X360USB PRO. To be honest it doesn’t need any deal like that, it’s fantastic on its own, which quite a large amount of you will find out for yourselves next week, we know you are anxious !

Anyway, we hope that clears everything up. Don’t forget to leave test reports in the #fw channel and we can then get a bunch of other titles ready in the next day or so.

Official Site: team-xecuter.com (http://team-xecuter.com/non-english-ap2-5-titles-finally-available-rumor-kill/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=non-english-ap2-5-titles-finally-available-rumor-kill)