View Full Version : Entrust you kid’s life to a homemade roller coaster?

February 27th, 2011, 01:29
So you fancy yourself as an amateur engineer? Been working on those welding skills for a while? The real test is to trust your children’s lives on a roller coaster you’ve designed and built (http://anub.ru/23.02.2011/samodelnie_amerikanskie_gorki/) (translated (http://translate.google.com/translate?js=n&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&layout=2&eotf=1&sl=auto&tl=en&u=http://anub.ru/23.02.2011/samodelnie_amerikanskie_gorki/)).
Now we’re not talking some tired old carnival ride like the teacups. This is a full-blown roller coaster, complete with an upside-down loop. The ride starts off with a chain-lift to the top of the garage/barn roof. From there it’s off and away on the single-rider train. We’d recommend keeping your hands and feet inside the car… if there was a car. The ride utilizes an automobile seat, but you’ll have to settle for a lap-belt as there’s no shoulder restraint here. We’re a bit weary of the track footings – we’d bet they’re not well anchored in the ground – but the fact that the entire length of track has been painted makes us think that [John Ivers] might have known at least a little bit about what he was doing. Don’t forget to catch the video below the fold.
Read the rest of this entry » (http://hackaday.com/2011/02/26/entrust-you-kids-life-to-a-homemade-roller-coaster/#more-35995)

March 1st, 2011, 23:13
Hah, that's amazing... I want one.


One good thing about building it himself, is that he can keep making it longer or higher as and when he pleases.

March 4th, 2011, 06:52
ya, that looks so safe to me.