View Full Version : JAPAN: 3DS shifts 400k at launch

February 28th, 2011, 14:31
Japanese newspaper confirms highly anticipated handheld sells out on opening weekend

The 3DS has sold more than 400,000 units during its launch weekend in Japan.
Nintendo’s newest handheld arrived in stores on Saturday and has already exhausted its initial shipment, according to Andriasang (http://www.andriasang.com/e/blog/2011/02/27/nikkei_3ds_shipment/).

A Japanese newspaper – Nihon Keizai Shimbun – confirmed the initial shipment was a little over 400k, with Andriasang adding that retailers are already taking pre-orders for incoming shipments.
Previous reports suggest Nintendo will ship 1.5m units to Japan by the end of the fiscal year on March 31st. The worldwide target during this time is 4m.
The 3DS is due to launch in Europe on March 25th. Retailers told MCV that 900,000 units would be shipped to Europe (http://www.mcvuk.com/news/42655/3DS-900000-units-for-launch-5m-in-year-one) during a three-week launch period, with up to 5m expected during the first year.

February 28th, 2011, 20:09
No surprise, any new Nintendo console in Japan guarantees sky high sell-outs.

February 28th, 2011, 20:22
yeah i hope my wife gets me one for my birthday, pity they arent region free anymore, that kinda kills the import market

March 1st, 2011, 23:41
That is so much sales in the first week in Japan,the 3ds will continue well sell throught 2011.
I want to see the sales of the uk release,the 3d will make sell more the system,Nintendo always been top sales in handheld market.