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View Full Version : Chrome survives third year of browser hack contest

March 10th, 2011, 22:48
Google's $20,000 bounty remains safe

Google's Chrome browser made it through the third year of the Pwn2Own hacking contest with no flaws exposed.
The internet giant put up a $20,000 bounty for the first team able to exploit the firm's Chrome browser however just prior to the contest the company had also launched the version 10 of the browser, fresh out of beta and sporting a raft of security updates.
The Pwn2Own contest is part of the annual CanSecWest security conference, pitting teams of hackers against the major web browsers including Microsoft's IE, Mozilla's Firefox, Apple's Safari and Google's Chrome.
The failure of a successful hack to appear at the event does not, however, mean that the browser resisted hacking attempts at the event. Instead it appears that the teams decided to focus on other targets.
Internet Explorer and Safari were both hacked on the opening day with Safari hacked virtually immediately using an unpatched flaw, despite Apple issuing a security update just prior to the contest.

Hackers are also expected to tackle a range of browsers on mobile platforms such as Android, Windows Phone 7, iOS and BlackBerry.