View Full Version : "Nano" - a demoscene production for the nano

September 12th, 2006, 01:02
gasman posted this news:

Hi... just thought I'd draw people's attention to a new iPod release (for Nano only) on the demoscene. This one's actually nothing to do with me, but from a quick search it doesn't seem to have been mentioned around here yet...

For the uninitiated, the demoscene is a computer subculture devoted to showing off with fancy graphical and musical demonstrations, which are known as demos. They aren't demos in the sense of 'something coming soon' or 'pay me $20 for the full thing' - they're standalone programs to be enjoyed in their own right. They're generally non-interactive, and most importantly, have visuals rendered in real time. I must emphasise, this isn't a video player... what you see is generated on-the-fly.

For a long time the only iPod demo was my own effort, "Podfather", but now someone else has stepped up and produced something considerably more impressive.

More Info (http://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=25857)