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View Full Version : Handy Facebook app shares 3DS codes

April 8th, 2011, 01:01
Modojo has made a Facebook app that makes sharing 3DS Friend Codes easier.
Just add the application, enter your Friend Code and you'll be presented with a list of your Facebook friends and their Friends Codes. Obviously your friends will need to be using the Modojo app as well.
That's it. Simple.
The 3DS Friend Code Finder by Modojo (http://www.facebook.com/connect/uiserver.php?app_id=121265854616412&next=http%3A%2F%2Fapps.facebook.com%2Fdsfriends%2F&display=page&cancel_url=http%3A%2F%2F3ds.modojo.com%2F&locale=en_GB&return_session=1&session_version=3&fbconnect=1&canvas=0&legacy_return=1&method=permissions.request) can be added on Facebook now.