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View Full Version : AUSTRALIA: R18+ rating will create jobs

April 12th, 2011, 23:48
Minister claims changes to games classification would create new opportunities

The Australian minister for home affair Brendan O’Connor believes that the adoption of an R18+ rating would create new jobs for the country’s games industry.
He was speaking to students at the University of Ballarat, where he claimed that future generations would benefit from the new opportunities that would appear across development, distribution and retail, according to GameSpot (http://au.gamespot.com/news/6308312.html).

“An adult classification for video games will provide better guidance for parents and remove unsuitable material from children and teenagers,” he said.
“It will also create further opportunities for Australian computer game developers, distributors and retailers. We want to create opportunities for our young people in diverse parts of the economy.”
A consultation on whether or not the country will introduce an R18+ rating was due to take place last month (http://www.mcvuk.com/news/43066/AUSTRALIA-R18-meeting-delayed). It has been delayed until July.