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View Full Version : Geohot vows to boycott Sony products

April 13th, 2011, 23:02
George "Geohot" Hotz – the man who hacked the PlayStation 3 – promised Sony he'll never fiddle about with the innards of a PlayStation 3 again. But now he's gone one step further, and vowed never to buy a Sony product ever again.
"As of 4/11/11, I am joining the SONY boycott," he wrote on his blog (http://geohotgotsued.blogspot.com/). "I will never purchase another SONY product.
"I encourage you to do the same. And if you bought something SONY recently, return it."
The settlement between Hotz and Sony was announced on Monday. Sony was "glad" and Hotz was "happy" to bring an end to the bitter legal scrap that began in January.
You'd have thought budding rapper Geohot would take take the settlement and keep a low profile – at least for a while. Not so.
"There is much more to come on this blog," he added.

April 14th, 2011, 01:11
I'm holding off on listening to his opinion til i know more about this settlement. If it was financial he needs to somehow recompence the donators or give money to charity, because after all that absolutely nothing's changed except for the worse, because now the hackers are even more worried about getting sued than before all this started.