View Full Version : Push notifications for snail mail on an iPhone

April 16th, 2011, 14:00
[Matt] over at Make came up with a way to send push alerts (http://blog.makezine.com/archive/2010/12/snail-mail-push-alerts.html) to his iPhone whenever his mailbox is opened.
The electronics are just a switch mounted to the mailbox connected to an Arduino with an ethernet shield, but the interesting part of the build is the code. [Matt] got the Arduino WebClient to request a PHP script sitting on a server. This script connects to the Prowl API (http://www.prowlapp.com/) to push the notification onto an iPhone.
[Matt]‘s project has been up for a few months now, and we still haven’t seen any projects using an Arduino+Push combo, or really any other phone except for the iPhone. We think this could be done on an Android phone with cloud to device messaging (http://android-developers.blogspot.com/2010/05/android-cloud-to-device-messaging.html), but that can’t be the only solution. Any hackaday readers have an idea of how to implement this outside the iOS world? What would Hackaday readers do with a microcontroller that can send push alerts to your phone?
