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View Full Version : Red Faction Armageddon delayed

April 28th, 2011, 22:29
Nothing to throw a hissy fit over - Red Faction Armageddon will arrive later than previously announced, but only by a week.

The May 31 (US) and June 3 (UK) release date's previously announced (http://www.computerandvideogames.com/290352/news/red-faction-armageddon-release-date-confirmed/) have been scrapped, and the game will now hit shop shelves on June 7 (US) and June 10 (UK).

http://cdn.medialib.computerandvideogames.com/screens/screenshot_246127_thumb300.jpg (javascript:screens_popup(246127);)

The demo will go live as planned on May 3, which sounds like it'll keep you busy for a bit, as THQ explains: "In the demo, consumers will be introduced to Darius Mason and fight their way through the Martian sewers and an oncoming alien infestation. Meanwhile, Darius must clear his name as the colonists have blamed him for unleashing the alien threat that has ravaged the underground cities of Mars.

"Players will have at their disposal the Nano Forge as they combat alien invaders with concussive blasts and core-shattering tremblers. Rebuild all that you destroy with the Nano Forge's incredible Reconstruction ability. Finally, throw entire buildings at your enemies with Red Faction's signature weapon, the Magnet Gun."

The demo will hit PSN on May 3 "or once the PlayStation Network has been restored," says THQ.
