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View Full Version : E3 2011: Official Nintendo Magazine's game of E3: Mario Kart 3DS

June 10th, 2011, 22:09
E3 2011 is over, all of the biggest gaming news of the year is in the bag, and our Los Angeles soldiers are returning to the UK shattered, slightly chubbier - and thrilled by the prospect of what they've witnessed.

Here, the editors of the UK's biggest games magazines give CVG their opinion of this year's standouts - and the one title that will live longest in their memory.

Neil Long, Official Nintendo Magazine - Mario Kart 3DS

"The Wii U reveal was spectacular. When Nintendo showed off that concept video in the conference you could hear half the room literally gasp.

"Later on at the show, the handful of Wii U 'experiences' available to play around with neatly showed off just how much potential this device has. The Zelda HD demo in particular was a glimpse into a future in which Nintendo games can now lead the way in terms of graphics as well as being the games industry's true innovators.
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"But ‪in terms of real games we'll be playing in the next few months, it was all about 3DS this year. Star Fox, Resident Evil Revelations, Kid Icarus, Metal Gear Solid and of course the newly-revealed Super Mario 3DS are among my personal highlights from E3 2011.‬
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‪"Getting my hands on a previously unseen Mario game was a treat, but in terms of an overall best game I think Mario Kart edges it. Lush visuals, 3D effects and a large soft spot for the series make it my game of the show. Just."
