View Full Version : Command and Conquer Clone for DS Project News

September 14th, 2006, 00:37
Another update from the coder of the C&C clone for DS:

I've not really worked on the project for the last few days, but after the funeral tommorrow I'll likely have more time again. I've worked on it very slightly, though it was in a totally different area - tech trees. Doesn't help at all in my current goal of loading and scrolling around in a big map, but it was an easy little bit to code and I felt like it ;p The tech tree foundation is there now anyway, and should allow all sorts of lovely techtrees, either for C&C or any other RTS.

Anyway I'll have a better update next time, promise. Felt like I should post this mostly because I'm in the habit of posting every few days now ;p

More Info --> http://cncds_project.livejournal.com/