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View Full Version : Graf_Chokolo again asks for help

June 21st, 2011, 11:54
Graf_Chokolo published a post on his blog stating that he was in a precarious financial situation and he no longer afford to pay legal fees for his lawsuit against Sony.

Hi guys, I have no money.I'll probably go to jail because I can not pay the court costs.But as I said, I am ready to take on and go to jail.The most important thing was not to win but to show them that we are ready to fight, they can not scare me so easily.Yes, I am ready to go to jail for my beliefs and my principles.
Most people probably think that all hackers are kids, hiding in a cave, eating pizza all day and developing software for the glory.Perhaps, but it's not ME.And when I'm out, I will continue my work.My work means so much to me.

If you want to help Graf_Chokolo, you can donate via his blog .
