View Full Version : QA Gitbrew Flag: pkg deactivation and downgrade

June 27th, 2011, 22:05
Gitbrew continues to work around the QA mode with two deliveries daily menu. Turn off QA : - Recover reset_qa_flag.pkg which as its name suggests to disable the famous mode menus QA - Run the package, if you hear a beep, the utility worked. If not make a Linux dump via udp_printf_client and sent it to Gitbrew. - Reboot your PS3 - The QA Flag is now set to its default state (Off). Make a downgrade via the QA mode : This is a function of the most interesting race since g ^ QA mode it is now possible to downgrade your PS3 since firmware 3.55 (and only this version of firmware) to a lower firmware (no longer than the version that was installed on your PS3 when purchased). Necessary Requirements: - CFW 3.55 otheros Special PUP - QA_Flag_Extra.PKG - The firmware that you want to downgrade again, you do not downgrade your firmware console beyond the original it. If your console was sold with firmware 3.41, do not try to install a lower firmware (3.15) the risk of brick your console permanently. The downgrade operation will erase all data on your console (including downloads PSN). 1. Install CFW355-otheros + +-SPECIAL.pup (no matter which firmware you are currently using, 3.41, 3.50 etc etc) 2. Install qa_flag_extra.pkg 3. Start qa_flag (It will appear as this is very good) 4.You should hear a beep 5. Reboot 6. Go into the recovery menu and make a Update your PS3 with firmware of your choice (3.15, 3.41 etc) 7. Your firmware is installed Sources: http://wiki.gitbrew.org/index.php/QA_Flagging_Tools & http://wiki.gitbrew.org/index.php/Downgrade Thanks to the green-to information .
