View Full Version : FBANext-PS3 R486

July 9th, 2011, 22:59
Lantus released a new version of FBANext, after FB Alpha (Final Burn Alpha). Remember, this is a multi arcade emulator based on the source code for Final Burn.

New / fixed: - Numerous changes to the code and that will interest mainly developers: - No more sound Separate class to go through - AudioInterface for PS3 now implements audio_check, audio_init, audio_constructor, and is in audio_destructor icts member functions (static function) . - Main loop emulation Improvements - Audio Is Now a straight function call to audio_check INSTEAD of going-through the first audio interface class (audio.check) - put the 'box Emulating:' block inside a do-while loop - not only is this faster (Because We Do not Have To Go Through The Whole switch again to see if GameStatus == Emulating Is True - But It Will Also allow us to do frame advance from Within the ingame menu. - Bugfix - when a shader WAS loaded - only the fragment program WAS loaded - and the vertex shader program from the previous Would Remain active. Both vertex and fragment Now Programs get updated with the ones from the shader .. Being loaded - Changed audiosample rate from 48,050 to 48,030 - the Closest We Can Bring this to 48,000 Without audio crackles - We Will Ensure the more video Will Be blocking - giving us better video performance. - Set audio samplerate from 48030 to 48020 - still no audio crackles - Cleaned up PSGL video driver - cut down on code duplication, made a lot of the OpenGL functions static namespace Into macros (So They Can Be Straight Into inserted vid_psgl.cpp - Where They Are Needed) - Moved the static variables from vid_psgl.h to vid_psgl.cpp - Removed broken shader-2xSaL HD.cg - Added experimental jararaca's retro shader - Cleaned up PSGL video driver code - Added shader dot.cg - Changed audio samplerate from 48020 to 48010. - Commented out VidSScaleImage in all of the rendering functions - is no longer needed - Auto-aspect ratio modes - this aspect ratio to select Automatically determines the proper aspect ratio for the game and then you're loading Automatically use it. There are Two automatic aspect ratio modes - 'Auto' and 'Auto FBA' - 'Auto' Does Some calculations to arrive at the proper aspect ratio while Auto FBA 'uses FBA's built-in aspect ratio settings for EACH game. - Cleaned up PSGL video driver - Some video optimizations to do with Three nested for loops - CPS3 - Pallet exchange WAS only Being done When loading / saving a state - putting this inside the function Draw Frame WAS WAS only cps3_palette_change Unnecessary When set to 1 ounce in cps3Scan - so the color palette Changing Moved to cps3Scan and out of the main frame function. Tested on Both 360 and PS3 - Nothing is Affected by this. burn.cpp-Speed ​​Improvements to and burnint.h - static functions Which are Used only in one ounce function inserted straight in - In Particular, biggest improvement cam from turning DrvClearOpposites Into a macro. - Is Now Button input blisteringly fast - Tested on Both PS3 and 360. For the user: - Implementation of a jog in the ingame menu - use either the Cross or hold R2. - The shaders can be can now be activated from the ingame menu - press left or right D-pad or analog stick from the shader to change. Then load the shader of your choice via the button CROSS. - Reorganization of the code of the aspect ratio - the ratio following aspects are now available - 4: 3, 5:4, 7:5, 8:7, 12:7, 16:9, 16:10, 16:15, 1:1, 2:1, 3:2, and a Custom mode (scaled). Custom mode corresponds to that previously available. You can also switch to this mode if you have selected a different aspect ratio from the ingame menu, via the 'Resize Screen' and then leaving again. - You can now change the aspect ratio from the ingame menu - The Bilinear filtering can be enabled / disabled from the ingame menu - Added rotation options in the menu ingame. Support the following platforms: - Support for Roma Capcom CPS-1 - Support for Roma Capcom CPS-2 - Support for Roma Capcom CPS-3 - Support for Roma Cave - Neo Geo roms Support - Supports roms Sega System 16 (and similar systems), System 18, X-Board, Y-Board - Support for Roma Toaplan - Support for Roma Taito 68k - Support for Roma Psikyo 68EC020/SH2 - Support PGM Roma - Roma Konami Support - Support for Sega Megadrive roms (savestates not supported) Features - Full Support Graphics / audio - Resizing the screen - Explorer for Roma easy to use. - Option for filters according to the drivers - Option to hide duplicates - Option to show only allowing multiplayer games (3 or 4 players) - 1080p 60fps for most Roma - Pixel Shader Support - Support up to 4 controllers - Options screen rotation - Filter Options Hardware (Linear, Point filtering) - Triple Buffering Installation : - Place your roms in the folder: / dev_hdd0/game/FBAN00000/USRDIR / roms / - The first time you run FBAnext, a file-fbanext ps3.xml will be generated. This file contains your options. - If you want to change the path of your roms, edit fbanext-ps3.xml . - .Zip/.7z/.rar extensions are also supported. Controls for a game : - L2 + R1 + R2 Pause / Return to Menu - Service Mode R3 - L3 Reset Rom current FBANext-R486 PS3 Official site: https: / / code.google.com/p/fba360 /
