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View Full Version : ICO 'will pursue' PSN hack investigation

July 14th, 2011, 21:19
Sony questioning continues says Information Commissioner's Office
The Information Commissioner's Office has confirmed to Develop that it is still pursuing its questioning of Sony over the massive PSN data breach.
ICO original announced its investigation into the matter late in April, and promised to look into the potential theft of millions of PSN users' accounts, but since has remained quiet on the matter.
Contacted by Develop, an ICO spokesperson said the organisation “will pursue” PSN hack investigation. ICO could offer no timeline as to when publication of its findings would occur, but offered assurances it will make public data on the matter.
The organisation declined to comment further.
Back in April ICO told Eurogamer: "Any business or organisation that is processing personal information in the UK must ensure they comply with the law, including the need to keep data secure.
"We have recently been informed of an incident which appears to involve Sony. We are contacting Sony and will be making further enquiries to establish the precise nature of the incident before deciding what action, if any, needs to be taken by this office."
The ICO is not the only Government body to look at Sony in the wake of the hack. In May Culture Minister Ed Vaizey said Sony must make online security a new priority.
“Clearly, as more and more companies move their products online – with more and more customers handing over their details – data protection is going to have to be a number one priority,” Vaizey said.
He also stated the Government would not interfere with the Information Commissioner’s Office on whether to fine Sony.
