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View Full Version : Microsoft: Our first party games are superior to Sony and Nintendo’s

July 18th, 2011, 18:30
Gran Turismo, The Legend of Zelda, Super Mario Bros – these are some of gaming’s biggest IPs, but Microsoft has said that its selection of first party trounces them all.

That’s according to Xbox CFO Dennis Durkin, who in an interview with IndustryGamers reacted badly when it was suggested that more developers need to be added to the Microsoft Game Studios programme in order to compete with Sony and Nintendo.

"I would ask you to go and look at some of your data,” he retorted. “Compare first party performance over the course of this lifecycle, because I think our first party performance in terms of quality bars and units per title this shift has been superior to our competition’s.

"But certainly we think first party is an important tool and you can’t dispute titles like Forza, which has consistently come out on a repeated cadence and sold multi-million units. You can’t dispute things like Fable, which again, on a very consistent pace, has come out and sold 2 and 3 million units a pop. And now new titles, like Kinect Sports, which has come out and sold over 3m units.

“So we are, not only building existing IP and incubating around titles like Halo and others, but really building new IP in new areas. And that’s going to be core to us... to build those experiences and monetize those."


July 18th, 2011, 23:41
That's what I call arrogance. Microsoft has neglected their core gamers. They shouldn't be talking that trash.

July 19th, 2011, 07:07
It makes me think their CFO hasn't a clue about the business he is in. He has to rely on a spreadsheet put together by staff for him and forms an opinion from that. Yes, Fable and Forza are decent games and have sold well but they are surely not in the same league as Zelda, Mario, and Gran Turismo.