View Full Version : ommpc

July 24th, 2011, 23:25
Newly released for Caanoo


Music player for Caanoo (port of ommpc2x from the wiz)

* support : mp3, ogg, 69, AMF, APUN, DSM, FAR, GDM, IT, IMF, MOD, MED, MTM, OKT, S3M, STM, STX, ULT, UNI, XM, AIFF, WAVE, snd, au
* Icon based menu system replaces popup menu, easily navigated with controls or touchscreen
* Now playing screen with player controls and album art.
* Translations text, currently English, Spanish, French, Russian, Korean and German. I need translations and then I'm sure stuff won't fit right and I'll have to tweak...
* Key binding configurations. There is a file 'keys' that can be modified to change the default key bindings. Press Select+Start(Home) together to see the current key bindings for each mode(playlist, now playing, etc) you are in.
* Touchscreen seek bar
* New skin/crystal icons(currently depreciated all old skins and only have this one)
