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View Full Version : Stephen Colbert actually gets the bridge named after him?

Cap'n 1time
September 15th, 2006, 04:54
Stephen Colbert híd 93163 [25%]
Jon Stewart híd 85171 [23%]
Zrínyi híd 83966 [23%]
Eötvös híd 37042 [10%]
Perl-Script híd 17354 [5%]
Chuck Norris híd 15363 [4%]

After hearing it on the popular satyr TV show "The Colbert Report" (silent T's and no, he isnt really French) I learned that Steven Colbert may actually have won the recent Hungarian Bridge naming contest that has been oh so popular for the past few weeks. On the show a supposed US Ambassador of Hungary showed up to inform him that he had officially won.
This is either an amazing event or a brilliant hoax.

Apparently more information can be found at www.colbertnation.com , however at so many people seem to be viewing the site that I have not been able to view it myself.

You can view a less popular Colbert fan site in the link below, it gives some information on the ?victory?

September 15th, 2006, 04:58
Thats a hole lot of people

September 15th, 2006, 04:59
i know haha but i think he has to die or sumthing LOL, thats wut the emasitor told him

Cap'n 1time
September 15th, 2006, 04:59
Thats a hole lot of people

if your refering to the 17,000,000 post i just editied.. i dont know wher the hell i got that from so dismiss it.

September 15th, 2006, 05:09
He kicked Chuck Norris' ass.

I love Steven Colbert.

September 15th, 2006, 05:21
Yeah it was that. LOL

September 15th, 2006, 05:28
Lol. The Colbert bridge. :P

September 15th, 2006, 09:20
i pretty sure that, the vote was for suggestions only, in the end a gov panel decide on the name. + it was something like 17 million votes (hungry only has a population of 10 million)

the pole allowed repeat voting, thats why its so high