View Full Version : Dedicated hacker adds USB capabilities to his Commodore 64

August 8th, 2011, 23:27
To say that Commodore 64 aficionados are a dedicated group would be quite the understatement (http://www.luigidifraia.com/c64/usb-64/index.html). There are still quite a few individuals that spend all sorts of time building and programming for the C64 in order to make using them enjoyable, and to keep up to date with current technologies.
[Luigi] is one of these people. He wanted a way to easily transfer files between his PC and his C64 that was fast but cheap. To [Luigi], this meant USB file transfers, which would take quite a bit of work to implement. He started out by rolling his own BASIC interpreter which could eventually be extended to support USB. Using his BASIC-Plus interpreter, he was able to implement a USB Kernel, which could transfer files at 1.2 KB/s via a USB to serial adapter. Wanting faster file transfers, he built a USB to parallel adapter, which resulted in a nearly 8-fold increase in speed.
So, if you have been dying to have USB capabilities on your C64, look no further, [Luigi] has just what you need!
Continue reading to see a quick video of USB-64 in action.
