View Full Version : ARM Sees Mobile As the Future Gaming Platform of Choice

August 9th, 2011, 21:46
Stoobalou writes with an interview in Thinq with a few folks from ARM on their plans for the future of embedded graphics. From the article:"'If you're looking at the visual experience that we can deliver on a mobile, in terms of the capabilities of the devices that are on the market (http://www.anandtech.com/show/4177/samsungs-galaxy-s-ii-preliminary-performance-mali400-benchmarked) today, increasingly it is visually outstanding — but we need to do more maths, because we have an increasing screen resolution and we have increasing content complexity, and we have to do it all in pretty low power. So, if we look at where we were a few years ago, if you take the benchmarks of a VGA display and typical low-res content — all of a sudden, by the time you get to a 4K screen and some of the complexity of tesselated stuff you see in DX11 today, you're talking about a 500x increase in performance.' ... 'We're still maintaining that 1W power envelope within your mobile device, yet being expected to deliver 500 times the performance (http://www.thinq.co.uk/2011/8/9/arm-bets-big-future-gaming/),' Hickman added. That's a major undertaking, but one which the next generation of Mali processors will work towards.'All of the graphics development in the embedded world is nice, but it is disheartening to see the lack of source code (http://www.malideveloper.com/developer-resources/drivers/open-source-mali-gpus-linux-exadri2-and-x11-display-drivers.php) for all of the new mobile GPUs.http://tech.slashdot.org/story/11/08/09/1748232/ARM-Sees-Mobile-As-the-Future-Gaming-Platform-of-Choice