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View Full Version : Krap-psp v1.20

August 10th, 2011, 00:03
via http://www.psp-ita.com/4526-267-Krap_psp_v1.20.html

Kenma9123 back to update the developer for his more complete plugin utility Krap-psp, through which various functions are available to better manage and monitor various aspects of our PSP easily, all in rapid keystrokes or default choices customized.

The version 1.20 , we propose here only to PSP-ITA pack full of sounds, fixes some bugs related to the music mode, the function in FW 6.39 and reboot again PowerSaver alert feature and battery after restarting the console. In addition, the release adds, among other things, the Draw function to optimize the delay to generate video images by changing the
A complete list of features and full changelog below.[Additional Info: Features, changelog, installation and download].: Features :.

Enable/Disable psp from charging
Automatically set cpu/brightness to low
Automatically sleep on a certain battery percent
Easily execute Shutdown,Sleep,Reboot(VSH) on a key combo
Set auto timer for sleep and shutdown
More Idle feature options
Manipulate CPU speed
Manipulate Brightness level
Manipulate psp LEDs
Easily detect the psp motherboard version
Take screenshots
Text battery warning
Sound battery warning
Put psp in music mode (Cpu goes to 80mhz,brightness/Led off that is inspired by hold plugin)
Reset a game on key combo(ISO only)
Paused a game on key combo(ISO only)
Display the battery/cpu/and psp information
Easily customizable

.: Changelog :.
- Fix a bug in music mode when beep is executed
- Fix reboot function in 6.39
- Fix a bug in powersaver and battery warning after saving & reboot.
- Extend the plugin delay in gamemode by 5 seconds.
- Removed status text.
- You can now Disabled thread in Misc Menu(Turn red when disabled)
- Added "Draw delay"(The higher the value the higher the flicker the lower the lag)
- Added "Music Mode CPU"(Specify the cpu speed when music mode)
- Infos Position x & y can now be customize(From the krap.ini)

Note: When setting the position of the infos
u_x -> uptime x pos
u_y -> uptime y pos
c_x -> cpu x pos
c_y -> cpu y pos
b_x -> batt x pos
b_y -> batt y pos
Remember that the PSP screen has 480x272 pixels.

.: Default tasti :.
Display Krap menu............Note+Square
Enable Charging...............Note+Volup
Disable Charging..............Note+Voldown
Force Sleep....................Note+Select
Force Shutdown...............Note+Start
On/Off Auto sleep............Note+Up
On/Off Autoshutdown........Note+Down
Take Screenshot..............Note+L-Trigger
Music Mode....................Hold switch
Reset a Game.................Home (Hold at least 1sec)
Pause a Game.................Screen

.: Installazione :.

Download and unpack the archive in the root of the Memory Stick
Seplugins folder to edit (or create if not present) and files vsh.txt game.txt one of the following strings depending on the model of the PSP (only partly in bold) ms0: / seplugins / Krap / psp.prx Krap-1 - PSP not Go EF0: / seplugins / Krap / Krap-psp.prx 1 - PSP Go!

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