View Full Version : Copycat "hiPhone 5" Surfaces In China

August 11th, 2011, 22:51
A fake iPhone 5, inspired by the leaked images of the device, has been discovered to be on sale in China. The quality of the hiPhone 5 varies with the price (http://www.reuters.com/article/2011/08/10/us-china-iphone-idUSTRE7791UM20110810), with the most premium version of the device being available for 800 yuan or £76. The device reportedly comes in red and pink. Chinese media is reporting that the fake iPhone 5 is thinner than the iPhone 4 and comes with round edges. Other reports are claiming that the device is extremely light and almost feels like that one is holding a plastic toy. The reports are likely based on some images that were leaked by the supply chain."Since they're going to the trouble of building counterfeit stores (http://apple.slashdot.org/story/11/07/20/175220/Fake-Apple-Stores-Mushrooming-In-China), the knock-off phones shouldn't surprise anyone.