View Full Version : Google Takes a Small Step in Lodsys Patent-Troll Case

August 13th, 2011, 21:39
The Lodsys saga continues; reader WyzrdX writes with this excerpt from Wired:"Google has intervened in an ongoing intellectual property dispute (http://www.wired.com/gadgetlab/2011/08/google-android-lodsys-patent/) between smartphone application developers and a patent-holding firm, Wired.com has learned, marking the Mountain View company's first public move to defend Android coders from a patent troll lawsuit that's cast a pall on the community. The company says it filed a request with the United States Patent and Trademark office Friday for reexamination of two patents asserted by East Texas-based patent firm Lodsys. Google's request calls for the USPTO to assess whether or not the patents' claims are valid."
