View Full Version : Chrome 14 Beta Integrates Native Client

August 13th, 2011, 21:41
This year Microsoft kept signaling that it's going back to lower-level code with a C++ renaissance (http://mariusbancila.ro/blog/2011/06/20/cpp-renaissance-at-microsoft/). It would give C++ programmers the same priority that was, up until now, reserved for .Net programmers. They even launched a new show (http://channel9.msdn.com/Shows/C9-GoingNative) about it on their Channel9. Now Google wants to appeal to native programmers with their Native Client for Chrome (http://chrome.blogspot.com/2011/08/building-better-web-apps-with-new.html). It seems the two companies want to cover both the higher-level JavaScript and lower-level C/C++. I dare hope this will give seasoned C/C++ programmers a place alongside JavaScript programmers at the web development table.
